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Core search for all your recent content.


Powerful filters to find exact items. Alerts for pro-active updates.


Analytics and Admin controls. 24x7 support, APIs and invoiced billing.



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Deep search

Full text search with OCR for scanned documents. Dive into emails, attachments, presentations, contacts and events.

Unlimited accounts

Connect any number of accounts, including different accounts associated with same service, such as Gmail.

Content previews

Get rich document previews across Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, Egnyte and more. Easily gather, compare and view content in one place.

Advanced filters

Filter by service, content type, date range. Get powerful Proximity searches like Law firms use. See all the advanced search capabiliities.

Content alerts

Receive email bulletins when there's content matching your filter, whether it's customer and project updates or new research from colleagues.

Unlimited content

High-performance, unified search for email, documents, presentations, contacts and more.

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Single Sign-On (SSO)

Integration with SSO and SAML providers like Okta, OneLogin and others.

API access

Integrate multi-cloud full-text search into your applications. Bring content and context to your customers and employees.

On-premises data sources

Integrate content from on-premises file systems, databases and proprietary systems.

Data residency control

Control where your company search index resides.
